E-log antipathy ‘not all about the money’: Readers respond ‘around the dunk...
The pseudonymous Memphis noted his Friday positing of the possibility of a "new golden age of trucking" -- if imposed ELDs actually limit available hours in a fashion they aren't already limited...
View Article‘Don’t work more for less’ is reader Tom Hall’s message on hours, ELDs
"A specialty equipment hauler once asked me just why some steel haulers will 'haul 20,000 pounds overloaded for $1 a hundred when I make as much or more money hauling 40,000-pound legal loads at $2 a...
View ArticleTechnology and maximizing your most precious resource
How technology is "changing some of what I want to believe about my business," in the words of owner-operator Gary Buchs, in this his debut on the Overdrive Extra blog. Among tech's benefits: freeing...
View ArticleWhat is your time worth?
"How many of us, if asked, could accurately quote what our time is worth, per hour, based on actual and complete data? No emotion, no pie in the sky guessing, just the cold hard facts." Gary Buchs on...
View ArticlePOLL: Your average length of haul since the ELD mandate: Shorter, longer,...
Anecdotal reports and some carrier surveys have shown length-of-haul desirability trending shorter for small fleets post-ELD mandate. Lots of factors are at play otherwise, but what's the reality for...
View ArticleNearly half of independents using ELDs give no thanks for device providers
Almost half of independent owner-operator respondents who've put on an e-log reported a "no-satisfaction" level with their ELD provider -- add those who were only "somewhat or a little satisfied," and...
View ArticleNo time left for you: Bottlenecks and detention
With urban traffic rapidly worsening, it indirectly puts pressure to address wasted time at the docks.
View ArticleTime and cost, redux: Where the owner-op is the smartest guy — in a roomful...
So, what is your time worth? Turns out, it's likely a lot more owner-operators have a clear sense of that than fleet execs when it comes to the trucking business.
View ArticleHopes and hazards in using ELD data: Detention reduction
With wells of data at their fingertips, ELD providers are beefing up offerings to their customers, with potential to reduce wasted time and improve load choices. However, the privacy tradeoffs can cut...
View ArticleNot ‘engaged to wait’ while in the sleeper? Readers respond to federal labor...
More readers than not agreed with commenter Jason McCarter that, "if you are in your truck at any time, you should be paid," even if off-duty in the sleeper. Find other views, including those contrary,...
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